Mobile Expertise

Mobile Expertise Module of Laboratory information system ADAMLABS for doctor monitoring patient Realtime.




All summary info on the dashboard.


Can access for expertise from anywhere.

Critical Notification

Notification for a critical result.

Patient Detail

Complete list of patient details.

Report Detail

Complete and detailed report.


Calculate TAT time easily.


The dashboard displays patient examination recapitulation monitoring data, visits by day, month, critical patient and gender.


Displays a list of patients and examination results, doctors can provide notes for laboratory analysts.


Inspection reports based on visits by patient, room. critical examination, examination based on parameters, cito/non cito patients up to TAT. 

Patient List

There is a list of patients based on examination status and patient details that contain information on patient examination results in the ADAMLABS hospital laboratory information system application.


The TAT feature (turn around time) is the calculation of patient examination time starting from pre-analytic, analytical to post-analytic. We differentiate this calculation based on the patient category between cito and non cito.

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